
Monday 20 May 2013


By Elisabeth Onuoha. | Nigerian Writer 
| Onuoha
House hunting can be a nightmare at times, especially when you have a very good idea of what you are looking for in an ideal apartment. For me, a well laid out space is important. The position of the bathroom is of paramount importance. It is a no no to have a bathroom close to the kitchen, and your having to go out of your room to use the bathroom.
In some houses I have been to, the bathroom and kitchen seems like an afterthought. We have a situation whereby the kitchen at times cannot conveniently take two people standing side by side.  To me, the bathroom is an important part of the house second to the kitchen. When hunting for an apartment, the way the bathroom and kitchen is finished adds to the appeal of the apartment.
I just love well kept bathrooms, for me it is a place where I can find peace after a hard day’s work. Sadly, in some apartments, the bathroom is like a hurried addition, more like a small cell where you could barely squeeze into.
Bathrooms mean different things to different people. While for some it is a place where you just run into for a quick wash and also quickly discharge your body waste, for me it is far much more than that. I am very passionate about my bathroom. It is a place where I can relax while doing my ‘business’, I should be able to take a cup of coffee and read a magazine while soaking in the bath tub.
For some, the bathroom should be big enough to take a walk in closet, while for others that is not a priority. One man whom I interviewed for this column said he can do whatever he likes in his bathroom even make love to his girlfriend! Yes the bathroom can be used for different purposes it is left to your imagination.
The bathroom can be made more pleasant to spend time in by taking care to ensure that the space smells fresh and is inviting at all times. I prefer a bathroom where the toilet and bath tub are all in one space. You can have a few scented candles burning while you enjoy a soak in the bath tub after a hard day’s work; this is very relaxing and romantic for you and your partner. Fresh flowers in a vase is also a good idea and an indoor plant if you have room for that.
I love good ventilation, so it is important I have a well apportioned window in my bathroom with lace curtains It is not a bad idea to have soft music from a small radio while you enjoy a soak. A toilet seat cover complete with matching floor mat will also add class to your bathroom. So next time you are house hunting be sure to check out the bathroom space before you sign the lease.

1 comment:

  1. Nice piece.will keep this in mind.Looking forward to reading more .
