
Wednesday 14 August 2013

New Name, Same Content: Realty Magazine Becomes Property Max

Incoming: The New Edition of Property Max
The recently launched real estate publication-Realty Magazine- has changed its name to Property Max. The change will take effect from the next edition of the publication set to be in circulation by Monday, 19 August, 2013.
According to the Editor of the publication Mr. Olumide Agunbiade, the change in name does not affect the content of the publication- "Yes there has been a change in name of the publication but the idea of the publication does not change. I would say it is New Name, Same Content. We would like to inform the public that the site will now become".
Outgoing: Realty Magazine will be replaced with Property Max
When pressed further as to what could make the company change the name of the publication, he declined to state categorically the reasons saying that for now, it remains exclusive to top management staff of the organization but in due course, the public will be brought up to speed.